2004 - Frenzy
Frenzy is the 2004 FIRST Robotics Competition game. The game consists of two teams competing for the highest score in two minute rounds. During the autonomous phase, the robot needs to navigate itself around the field and activate a ball release. The balls spill onto the field and are then collected by the robot during the human controlled phase and deposited into goals (by either humans or robots). Additional points can be scored if the robot can lift itself on a bar located 10 feet above the playing field.
Our Robot
Team Captain:
Record: 1 event, 9 matches, 6 matches won
Pacific Northwest Regional
More information on The Blue Alliance
2 pneumatic tire drive wheels with passive casters on back of robot
2 side arm "flippers" to push balls
Multi-stage telescopic hook mechanism with winch to lift the robot for the end game
Spectra cable for winch cable